Thursday, June 18, 2009

So My Toe Still Hurts

I don't care if people think I'm over reacting with my spider bite or whatever bit me, it just doesn't feel right, especially when I walk or put pressure on that damn toe...I'm going to the ER in San Francisco for the first time tonight after work [yup still gotta get paid first], hopefully it's nothing too serious. I'm pretty sure it's not, I'm not getting the life threatening symptoms like throwing up and a fever.  I keep trying to google spider bites, and everything that is popping up is scaring the sh*t out of me! They keep talking about a damn brown recluse spider, but I don't think I got bit by that kind of spider because they are only found in Texas and the rest of the dirty south! Like this sh*t...WTF?! NOTE: This isn't my spider bite!

..disgusting right!?

1 comment:

  1. The brown Recluse has been found much farther north than that. There have been reports from both New York and southern Canada.
    At the same time, I imagine you would have felt the bite of a brown recluse... I hear they are quite painful.
